Thank you so much for reaching out to 48 Fields and for your virtual introduction. We have so many talented creatives around us and are always interested in learning who is in the area and how they can best serve our clients. As you can imagine, we get many requests to meet with new vendors, conduct tours of our spaces, and give referrals to our clients. To help manage all that, here is our process for getting to know you better.
Step 1: Make a Virtual Introduction
Chances are if you’re reading this, you’ve already emailed us and we’ve directed you to this web page. We’d like to get to know you better, so email us some more information – a PDF brochure, a web site, the information you’d send to a new inquiry, etc. Anything that will help us get to know you and how you serve your clients. Tell us about your processes, your pricing, and what sets you apart from other similar vendors. Also, who is your ideal client and what types of weddings do they have? We want to make sure that your clients’ and our clients’ values and interests are aligned.
Step 2: Be an Ideal Vendor
We all have ideal clients, but what is an ideal vendor? Aside from being exceptionally good at what you do, ideal vendors provide outstanding customer service. Respond quickly to emails, have a professional email address and polished website, maintain active social media accounts that regularly tags all vendors, and – if you’re a photographer – quickly share sneak peek and full galleries of photos. You’ll treat our venue respectfully and follow our (pretty basic) rules. Hey, maybe you can actually say hi to us on wedding days too! Lastly, you’ll be a kind person who likes to smile, act friendly to others, and be a team player to make sure the couple’s wedding day is everything they hope it would be. You’d be surprised how many vendors we encounter that are the total opposite of this last part!
Step 3: Meet Us at a Networking Event
You’ll often find us at regular networking events in the Loudoun County area. We tend not to travel into DC itself. But pop into a Tuesdays Together (Leesburg or Reston) meeting, Visit Loudoun mixer, or Hunt Country Celebrations gathering and you’re likely to run into us. Please do say hello and have a chat! Having your own open house, caterer’s lunch, social gathering, or networking event? Let us know and we’d love to meet you there!
Due to busy schedules and our strong distaste for coffee, we don’t go on many coffee dates. Truth be told, we hardly get to socialize with our current friends and vendors. But if you have another creative way to connect, we’d definitely be interested in hearing more!
Step 4: Attend a Monthly Vendor Open House
Unless you have a currently-booked couple who is hosting a wedding at 48 Fields, we don’t often schedule one-on-one meetings with new vendors simply due to our busy schedule. However, we do host monthly vendor open houses when new-to-us vendors can come see our spaces and get to know us better. If you’d like to know about the next vendor open house, send us an email to get on the RSVP list!
Step 5: Host a Style Shoot
Want to showcase your work in action but don’t have a wedding on the books with us yet? Consider hosting a style shoot. Read more about the initial details we’ll want to know on our style shoot information page.
Step 6: Stay on Our Radar
So many vendors reach out for an introduction, and then we never hear from them again. With an abundance of creatives in the area, it’s hard to stay top of mind. If you really want to get to know us, be consistent. Reach out throughout the year with updates on your services, comment on our social media, send us a love letter in the mail, or whatever fits your brand and personality.
A note about physical items: We never expect special gifts to wow us, but that’s the love language some vendors like to use to express themselves. A small floral arrangement makes a florist stand out. Same for a sweet treat from a baker. Or a signature item from a caterer. It also helps us see your services first-hand. If you’re neither one of those, we love chocolate and prosecco and pedicures. We never, ever drink coffee. Strange, we know!
Step 7: Work a Wedding with Us
Or several actually. The reality is that it’s impossible for us to recommend anyone to our clients if we’ve never worked with you before. Even if you’ve got great reviews and referrals from others. We need to see you in action on wedding days. Notice how you interact with clients, families, and other vendors. See a pattern of consistency. It’s always clear to us who the outstanding vendors are, and in those cases we’re happy to add them to our recommended list.
Thanks again for reaching out and for taking the time to learn our process for making vendor connections. As you can gather, we really prioritize meeting those who make a consistent effort to stand out from the crowd and showcase their ability to serve a mutually-ideal couple!