Leesburg Wedding and Reception Location Northern Virginia
Your name is your identity. It’s how people know and call you. It’s not just a meaningless word, but one that comes with emotion and connection. I mean, just think about that awful person you knew in school and therefore could never even THINK of naming your kid that now. Names have powerful connections. And once you’ve got it, there’s no changing it.
So coming up with a name for our new farm was a tall challenge. We wanted something classic, broadly appealing, not too gimmicky or trendy, nothing too similar to other places in the area, nothing that pigeon holed us from future expansion, and something that just sounded “nice” when you heard it. Oh, and nothing too long either. We’ve got website and email address length to consider here! All that together is easier said than done.
Because this has been a long process, we looked at a few other properties before setting on the one we have. We brainstormed names for each of them. Some were based on area of town or the roads they were on. Some came from the names of ponds or creeks that sat on them. Some referenced nearby parks or historical landmarks.
When we found this farm, we were stumped at first. There are a couple of small creeks that run along each side of our land but we couldn’t find that they were big enough to warrant any kind of name. I definitely didn’t like the name of our street well enough to pay homage to it. I also knew I didn’t want to incorporate our names or initials into it, but I did consider making our dog, Piper, part of the name for a brief moment. What I would have done with her name though was already claimed as someone else’s website. We looked around at everything for inspiration, and I thought about how what we chose would look all typed out pretty on someone’s wedding invitation. (Is that weird? Please say no.)
Then there were times when we tried to think outside the box. Steve kindly offered up suggestions like “Weddings R Us” and “Come And Get It Wedding Shack” or something like that. There may have been a suggestion about creating a drive thru option Vegas style as well. As you can imagine, those were vetoed.
In the end, it was the property itself that spoke to us. It was the size – 48 acres – and the fact that so much of it remains in natural fields of tall billowy grasses. The name 48 Fields just kind of came to me then. And it stuck around. There’s a certain ring to it, and I like the alliteration of the words. A few close friends gave a thumbs up to the idea, and frankly we just hadn’t liked anything else better.
It became what we referred to the farm as for a while, and I quite like it. I hope you do too, and we look forward to spreading the word about 48 Fields for years to come!