Leesburg Wedding and Reception Location Northern Virginia
We have power! (I say that like we didn’t have it before. We did, but now it’s even better.)
It’s a funny thing about old farm houses. They get added on to or updated randomly over the years, and you never really know what you’re going to get. One of the pleasant surprises from our inspection was that all the wiring was up to date and what we’d want it to be. Pretty impressive for a 1910 house! The only catch was the electrical box itself. It was very old and apparently was a model known for causing problems and catching on fire. We definitely didn’t want that! And power is one of those things that, you know, is kind of important so we made it a priority to have updated.
We have so many projects going on at the same time, and nothing seems to be completely done yet. There’s always something little to wrap up on many of them, so having this one part be absolutely complete is a great feeling! I really need to get better at taking some before photos so the comparison to after makes more of an impact. But the “before” is often so old and gross that I’m just excited to get rid of it!
Now the house wasn’t quite this bad in terms of what the box looked like, but here’s a shot of what was in the barn.
And here’s the after, all shiny and new.
Hopefully with all that’s going on I’ll be able to have another “complete” project update soon!